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Important Things To Know Before Bringing Home A Goldendoodle

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Goldendoodles have become quite popular over the past few years. People love how these dogs have such friendly, loving personalities—like those of golden retrievers—but non-shedding coats like those of a poodle. If you're looking for a great family dog, a goldendoodle can absolutely be a good choice. However, there are a few things that are important to know before you purchase one of these pups.

They come in different sizes.

If you've met a goldendoodle before, you might assume all goldendoodles are about the same size as the one you met. But actually, these dogs come in a huge range of sizes. If the poodle parent was a miniature poodle, then the goldendoodle will be pretty small. If the poodle parent was a standard poodle, then you can expect a larger dog. Golden retrievers come in quite a size range, too! To ensure you get a good general idea of how large a dog will be as an adult, ask the breeder how much each parent weighed. You can expect your pup to grow to roughly the average of their parents' weights.

Some are more than half poodle.

People generally think of goldendoodles as being half golden retriever and half poodle. But some are actually 3/4 poodle and 1/4 golden retriever. There is a variety known as an F1b goldendoodle. These dogs are produced by breeding a goldendoodle that's the offspring of a poodle and a golden retriever with another 100% poodle. F1b goldendoodles have similar personalities and characteristics to standard goldendoodles, also known as F1 goldendoodles. However, their coats tend to be longer and more poodle-like. If you have dog allergies, an F1b goldendoodle is often a great choice.

They are energetic.

You often see photos of these dogs curled up on couches with their family members. They do, indeed, love to cuddle. However, they are also pretty energetic dogs, and they need to get out and run around quite a lot. So, make sure you have a yard or at least access to a dog park where your pup can run. They can get destructive and start chewing things if they don't get enough exercise.

Goldendoodles are such fun, loving dogs, but you should be prepared before bringing one home. Keep the information above in mind, and talk to the breeder you're thinking of buying from in order to learn more about their specific pups.

To learn more, contact a breeder who has goldendoodle puppies for sale
