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Maine Coon Kitten Care Tips

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If you are interested in getting a kitten to care for, and you prefer the appearance of a Maine Coon cat, there are some actions to take to help your new friend grow up comfortably and happily. Maine Coon cats are known for their large and fluffy appearance, making them a type of cat many pet owners desire because of their unique features. Here are some tips to help you get started with caring for a Maine Coon kitten.

Care For Your Kitten's Coat

Since Maine Coons have thick and full coats, their fur is susceptible to matting or snarling if it is not cared for routinely. Make it a habit to grab a cat brush and use it on all areas of your kitten's coat at an early age. This way your pet becomes accustomed to being groomed and will be more apt to allow for it when you decide it is time for a session. If your pet's fur appears to have lost its lustrous shine, it is time to bathe your kitten. Use a vet-approved pet shampoo to remove dirt from your Maine Coon kitten, and use a towel to dry your cat thoroughly afterward. When your pet's fur has dried, comb or brush it so knotting does not occur.

Provide Plenty Of Play For Your Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats and kittens enjoy playtime immensely and some fetch balls and other toys if you throw them for your pet. Make sure you stimulate your kitten's imagination with engagement with you and toys on a daily basis. Use feathers on sticks, strings, crinkle toys, and balls to enrich your kitten with exercise in a safe environment. Maine Coon cats are similar to dogs when it comes to playtime.

Be Aware Of Feeding Your Pet Too Much

Never keep your Maine Coon kitten's bowl filled constantly. Instead, ask your pet's veterinarian for advice pertaining to the recommended amount of food to give them depending on their current age. Maine Coon cats are naturally prone to hip dysplasia, and excessive weight can easily exacerbate the likelihood of this problem. Keeping your pet on a strict diet is important so it does not become overweight, which also leads to other health risks such as heart problems or digestive issues. It is always best to speak with a professional about food brands before giving a specific one to your new kitten.

Contact a professional for more information about Maine Coon kittens
