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The 5 Critical Pond Care Tasks

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Whenever you install a pond on a property, maintaining it is critical. If you can handle several key tasks well, though, your pond will provide years of enjoyment. Contractors always encourage property owners to be aware of these five critical issues.


Especially if your pond doesn't have a stream or waterfall producing regular flow, aerating the water is essential. Poorly aerated water can develop dead zones. This can then encourage algae. Particularly if you want to have plants or fish in the pond, it's important to aerate it so it can provide a living environment. Otherwise, the pond is more likely to become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and algal blooms.


Sampling the water at least a few times a year is important to good pond care. If you've recently installed a pond, sampling may be a weekly or even daily chore. You want to be sure that the pH levels are right for your goals because water that's too acidic or base can cause fish kills and discourage ideal aquatic plant growth. Likewise, you'll want to test for bacteria, algae, and fungi in the water to avoid problematic growths.

If you're uncomfortable with the testing process, you can ask a contractor to walk you through it. They can usually provide kits that will allow you to take samples and drop them on strips for rapid testing right next to your pond. Unless you want to pay for daily testing visits, this is the easiest way to keep up with potential issues.

Temperature Regulation

Keeping the right temperature is wise, especially if you want a robust ecosystem in the pond for things like fish or frogs. Small ponds will have trouble with ice in most parts of the U.S. in the winter, even if just for short periods. Also, you may need to install tall plants or other sources of shade if the water gets too hot during the sunniest summer days.


Especially if your pond is close to plants that shed leaves and other materials into the water, you'll need to clean it. There are many ways to filter the water, especially if you have pumps. However, you will still need to use cleaning nets to get big pieces of debris out of the water.

Water Plants

Finally, it's prudent to put in aquatic plants. The right water plants will help to naturally filter the water and stabilize the environment. If you have fish or amphibians in the water, the plants will also offer them places to explore or hide.

Reach out to a pool maintenance company for more information.
